What Happens to Medicaid When a Patient Leaves the Williamsbridge Center?
Although many of the patients who come to the Williamsbridge Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing stay with us indefinitely, some of our patients do improve to the degree that they no longer require 24-hour assistance. As sad as we may sometimes be to know that they won’t be in the facility with us any longer, we’re always extremely proud and excited to see them reclaim a certain level of independence. In such cases, however, there can be some question as to how financial assistance for their remaining medical needs will continue following their departure.
The vast majority of our patients who transition out of the Williamsbridge Center still need at least occasional medical and daily living assistance. In the past, the funding for such post-center care has been a cause for a great deal of concern. Those patients who are eligible for Medicaid may have previously found that while their Medicaid benefits were very helpful during their time in long-term care, once they transitioned out, the funding seemed to dry up, and the financial aid available to them through Medicaid was insufficient.
Currently, the United States government is engineering a program to better address this discrepancy. The initiative is called “Money Follows the Person”, or MFP, and it is intended to ensure that patients transitioning out of long-term care facilities are properly placed and have adequate support. In order to take advantage of this program, the patient must be eligible for Medicaid while in the long-term facility, and they must have been in residence at the center for at least three months.
To learn more about the Williamsbridge Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing and all of the services they offer, please visit https://centershealthcare.com/williamsbridge_center.