5 Modern Credit Card Tips and Tricks You May Not Have Known About
With the proliferation of so many credit cards along with innovations that technology has brought on, credit cards can do so many more things than just buying products or services by swiping or entering your number online.
New Paltz Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has a look at five new tips and tricks that you can use to your full advantage with most major credit cards.
1. Link Your Card to Your Smartphone
If you’re someone who likes to travel light and leave your cards and cash at home, you can link your card to a wallet app on your smartphone and pay through your phone. These are also safe ways to pay too because the phones will either require you to put in a password or confirm through facial recognition (iPhone) before the transaction will be allowed.
2. Add a Virtual Card
Some credit card companies offer a virtual card — a card with a different number but tied into your account that can be used for online and in-person purchases. But if this number is obtained through a phishing scam or a data breach, the number will not work if stolen.
3. Take Advantage of Rewards
If your credit card company isn’t offering any rewards, it’s time for a new card. Take advantage of rewards points for popular activities (like airline miles or hotel stays) or just opt for a cash-back card that gives you a percent of your purchases back to you the following month.
4. Work to Remove Interest Charges
If you have a credit card balance you’re trying to pay off, look for a card that offers a 0% interest plus balance transfer offer. You’ll have to pay a small fee (3 to 5%, typically) on the balance transfer, but then you’ll have a year or 18 months to pay off the debt without incurring monthly charges.
To learn more about New Paltz Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing and all of the services they offer, visit http://new-paltz-center.facilities.centershealthcare.org.